
The present study was undertaken to estimate correlation coefficients among 22 yield components and quality characters in thirty rice (Oriza sativa L.) genotypes. The genotypes were evaluated in RBD and ANOVA results revealed the highly significant mean sum of squares among the genotypes for all the characters. Highest significant positive genotypic as well as phenotypic correlation was found between traits 100 kernel weight and 100 grain weight whereas, highest significant negative genotypic correlation was found between characters water absorbed by 10gm kernel and 100 grain weight, whereas, highest significant negative phenotypic correlation was found between characters grain weight per plant and days to maturity. Highest significant positive phenotypic correlation was found between traits 100 kernel weight and 100 grain weight. Grain weight per plant showed highly significant positive correlation with hulling %, kernel breadth before cooking, kernel breadth after cooking, breadth increase ratio after cooking and water absorbed by 10 gm kernel; significant positive association with peduncle length and flag leaf length. These characters could be utilized as indices of selection for future breeding programme.

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