
Pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata L.) is a tropical vine cropbelonging to the family Cucurbitaceae. It is third mostimportant vegetable after water melon and cucumber inthe world among cucurbitaceous vegetables. Pumpkinis a high value crop due to its long shelf life, availabilityfor long period, high nutritional composition and greatmedicinal properties. Both mature and immature fruitsare consumed as a vegetable. In India pumpkin is alsoknown as Kashiphal or Sitaphal. Fruits of pumpkinprovide a valuable source of carotenoid and ascorbicacid that have a major role in nutrition in the form ofprovitamin A and vitamin C as antioxidants (Jha et al.2009). Besides of this, pumpkin fruits are also very goodsource of carbohydrate. Pumpkin endows 25.0 K calenergy, 92.6 g moisture, 1.4 g protein, 0.1 g fat,

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