
The research and military activities of the Soviet veterinary service in the context of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 are shown. Data on the work of veterinary specialists under wartime conditions to ensure the veterinary and sanitary welfare of the country's livestock and to prevent the wide spread of epizootic diseases and increase the effectiveness of therapeutic measures are provided. The successful evacuation of people, animals and related equipment from the occupied front-line territories is described, followed by the re-evacuation of animals from the liberated areas. At the beginning of the war the military veterinary service in a short time was transferred to a standard wartime mode: the bodies of the fronts and armies veterinary service management were established, as well as the field veterinary institutions. Particular attention was paid to the army's cavalry. 3,555,764 wounded and sick horses were treated at the veterinary clinics of the Red Army, of whom 2,147,494 animals (91.59%) were cured and returned to service. The results of the activities of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR in wartime conditions were given. Scientific institutions were asked to review the topics and methods of research work to strengthen the defense and military power and national economy of the country. Veterinary science developed and provided civilian and military services with reliable ways to prevent dangerous infectious and effective care for surgical and non-contagious diseases. The national government's assessment of the work of military, scientific, and civilian veterinary specialists was given. Many of them received state awards for their valorous labor during wartime.

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