
Liberation theology is a set of writings produced since 1971 by figures like Gustavo Gutierrez (Peru), Rubem Alves, Hugo Assman, Carlos Mesters, Leonardo and Clodovis Boff (Brazil), Jon Sobrino and Ignacio Ellacuria. The discovery of Marxism by progressive Christians and liberation theology was not a purely intellectual or academic process. Its starting point was an unavoidable social fact, a massive, brutal reality in Latin America: poverty. Liberation theologians - and 'liberation Christians' in the broad sense - do not limit themselves to using existing Marxist sources. In the light of their religious culture, they break new ground and reformulate certain basic themes of Marxism. Distinctive aspect of liberation theology Marxism is a moral critique of capitalism. For Marx, critique of the fetishistic worship of commodities was a critique of capitalist alienation from the standpoint of the proletariat and the exploited - but also revolutionary - classes. Keywords: capitalism; Liberation Theology Marxism; Marxist critique

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