
Church people-lay and ordained-played an important role in the struggle against apartheid in South Africa. Through the churches ecumenical network, church leaders like Beyers Naude, Desmond Tutu, Allan Boesak, and Frank Chikane were able to mobilize international support from churches around the world for freedom, justice, and democracy for all in South African. In 1984, Desmond Tutu was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo, Norway, for his non-violent resistance to the South African system of apartheid. Desmond Tutu knows both European and African culture. Tutu unites the African idea of Ubuntu with the Biblical understanding of imago Dei . The Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) could provide the space for the truth to be told and reconciliation to happen, if the persons involved wanted it to happen. In Tutus theology, the sacramental expression and reality of reconciliation in history is the celebration of the Holy Communion. Keywords: Desmond Tutu; Holy Communion; non-violent resistance; South Africa; Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC)

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