
The relationship between global Christianity and local Christianity has been a prominent theme in the study of missionary encounters. This chapter re-examines the relationship between a European mission, a Protestant church and particular local Christian revival movements in Madagascar known as fifohazana . It defines the Malagasy term fifohazana , and then describes the characteristics of fifohazana cosmology and practice. The chapter analyses the dynamic relationship between the fifohazana movements, missions and main-line churches from the end of the nineteenth century until today. The Soatanana shepherd movement emerged in 1894 in an area in Southern Betsileo where the Norwegian mission was working. When the Norwegian Missionary Society (NMS) took up work in Madagascar in 1866, their ultimate goal was to create an independent national church. Keywords: fifohazana ; global Christianity; local Christianity; Madagascar; nineteenth century; Norwegian missionary society (NMS); Soatanana shepherd movement; twentieth century

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