
God had saved true religion by accomplishing Glorious Revolution; business of religion was the purifying and reforming of men's lives; therefore, a reformation of manners was the chief design of God's providence, in this Revolution. It was consequently unlikely, Lloyd warned new monarchs, that England could expect a third deliverance if it remained sinful. Fowler's exposition of Latitudinarianism, Free Discourse , emphasized moral theology above everything else; and its two continuations, The Design of Christianity and Libertas Evangelical were devoted to that subject. The epistemology underlying moral theology of Latitudinarians was precisely identical with that underlying their speculative theology. One presupposed duties of natural religion; other presupposed its principles; both principles and duties, however, were either a part of or immediately deductible from what Wilkins called the nature of things in themselves or what Glanvill termed reason in object. Keywords: Christianity design; God providence; Latitudinarianism; Libertas Evangelical ; moral theology

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