
In 1624 appeared the first and for a long time the only printed edition of the Espousals in Dutch. The work itself was preceded by the 'life and miracles of the author' and followed by solemn verses 'To praise and honor the worthy father and extraordinary visionary Jan van Ruusbroec'. 'This author is called Jan van Ruusbroec' ( Desen auctor hiet her Jan van Ruysbroeck ), wrote Brother Gerard. His recognition of Ruusbroec as an auctor is a veiled tribute which should not be taken lightly. According to medieval notions of authorship, auctor was the highest rank in a hierarchy in which lesser positions were reserved for in descending order commentator, compiler and scribe. Ruusbroec was the first and presumably the only Middle Dutch auctor to whom an accessus was devoted. In the eyes of Brother Gerard, Ruusbroec owed his auctoritas neither to great knowledge nor to scholarly merits, but to wisdom. Keywords: auctor ; Espousals; extraordinary visionary; Jan van Ruusbroec

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