
This chapter presents what the authors have found to be the P-source in the primeval history: 1:1-2:3: the Creation Story; 5: the Genealogy of Adam; 6:9-8:19*: the Flood Story; 9:1-17: new World Order and Covenant; 10*: the Descendants of Noah's sons; and 11:10-26: the Genealogy of Noah. The creation and the flood stories stand in an antithetic relationship. The P source continues the flood story in the sequence of the new world order and covenant. The most important triad of commandments, diet, circumcision and Sabbath, in P's theology, is linked to each of the covenants, narrowing toward the Sabbath as the particular sign of the holy people. The similarities between the stories concern both the material often ascribed to P and the non-P material. This demonstrates that there is only one author in the Genesis version. Keywords:Biblical Flood story; Creation story; Flood story; genealogy of Noah; Genesis; P source; primeval history; Sabbath; theology

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