
The surgical morbidity of brainstem lesions is higher than in other areas of the central nervous system because the compact brainstem is highly concentrated with neural structures that are often distorted or even unrecognizable under microscopic view. Intraoperative neurophysiologic mapping helps identify critical neural structures to avoid damaging them. With the trans-fourth ventricular floor approach, identifying the facial colliculi and vagal and hypoglossal triangles enables incising and approaching the brainstem through the safe entry zones, the suprafacial or infrafacial triangle, with minimal injury. Corticospinal tract mapping is adopted in the case of brainstem surgery adjacent to the corticospinal tract. Intraoperative neurophysiologic monitoring techniques include motor evoked potentials (MEPs), corticobulbar MEPs, brainstem auditory evoked potentials, and somatosensory evoked potentials. These provide real-time feedback about the functional integrity of neural pathways, and the surgical team can reconsider and correct the surgical strategy accordingly. With multimodal mapping and monitoring, the brainstem is no longer "no man's land," and brainstem lesions can be treated surgically without formidable morbidity and mortality.

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