
This chapter describes high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)–mass spectrometry (MS)(MS) for bioanalysis in drug discovery and development. The introduction of reliable electrospray ionization (ESI) MS instruments has transformed the face of bioanalysis in the pharmaceutical industry. It has given the analyst unparalleled access to sub-ng/mL sensitivity with a high degree of selectivity and the possibility of high throughput through rapid analysis. However, this has necessitated a marked rethink in how methods are developed and applied. Many of the concepts exploited in HPLC with ultraviolet (UV) detection are no longer applicable. In addition, MS is the detector of choice for bioanalytic work. The next decade should see a consolidation of this position as the size and cost of instruments come down and their flexibility and versatility increases. At such time, it seems unlikely that HPLC is totally replaced as the means of separation and introduction into the mass spectrometer.

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