
Floating photovoltaic (FPV) impact on environment is globally positive since it can mitigate the negative effects of other invasive human activities. The main items discussed are albedo effect which being not altered by the presence of FPV plant. FPV does not give any contribution to the global warming. This is an advantage compared with land-based plants which normally reduce local albedo and increase the earth energy budget. FPV plants strongly reduce the evaporation on water reservoirs and in this way protect water resources. Coupling of FPV and hydroelectric power plant allows a considerable increase in the renewable energy system energy production and a reduction of the environmental disasters generated by hydroelectric basins. Oil platform decommissioning is an important urgent task. The coupling with FPV could solve partially this problem. The awful problem of algal bloom can be managed by FPV. Of course, FPV does not eliminate the problem but helps in reducing its impact in simple and efficient ways. Materials used are compatible with environment requirements, and there is also the advantage of no land use and of a very simple decommissioning. Regarding fish and zootechnic equilibrium, there is evidence of a good integration with aquatic fauna and even birds seem not to be bothered by FPV structures within the respect and the defense of the biodiversity.

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