
Human EEG biofeedback (neurofeedback) started in the 1940s using one EEG recording channel and then four channels in the 1990s. New advancements in electrical neuroimaging expanded EEG biofeedback to 19 channels using low resolution electromagnetic tomography (LORETA) three-dimensional current sources of the EEG. In 2004–06 the concept of a “real-time” comparison of the EEG to a healthy reference database was developed and tested using surface EEG z-score neurofeedback based on a statistical bell curve called “real-time” z-scores. The “real-time” or “live” normative reference database comparison was developed to help reduce the uncertainty of what threshold to select to activate a feedback signal and to unify all EEG measures to a single value, that is, the distance from the mean of an age matched reference sample. In 2009 LORETA z-score neurofeedback further increased the specificity by targeting brain network hubs referred to as Brodmann areas. A symptom checklist program to help link symptoms to dysregulation of brain networks based on fMRI and PET and neurology was created in 2009. The symptom checklist and NIH-based networks linking symptoms to brain networks grew out of the human brain mapping program starting in 1990 which is continuing today.

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