
ABSTRACT Today's students are super-savvy with technology, experiential, participatory, visual, kinesthetic learners who crave interaction with other students. Their world revolves around music, movies, music videos, PC and video games, and TV programs. It is a remixed, digital, mobile, always-on media environment. This chapter examines the characteristics of these Net Geners and how elementary and secondary teacher education programs need to respond to adapt to their needs. How can teachers compete with their level of overstimulation? They can't, but they can tap into it. Teachers can activate the students' prior knowledge of the cultural elements in their world to generate motivation, interest, and attention to learn new material from our world. Teachers need to leverage the music to which the Net Geners are listening, the videos and TV programs they're watching, and the games they're playing as teaching tools. These tools can be executed in a cooperative, social, learner-centered environment in which every student can succeed.

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