
The International Council for Control of Iodine Deficiency Disorders (ICCIDD) consists of a multidisciplinary global expert network of over 700 professionals from more than 100 countries with an official relationship with the World Health Organization (WHO). This network includes scientists, public health administrators, technologists, communicators, economists, salt producers and other experts, who are committed to assisting national governments and international agencies in the development of national programs for the elimination of brain damage due to iodine deficiency. The ICCIDD has 40 members. The Board of Directors meets annually, usually in conjunction with a regional meeting or special workshop. The ICCIDD has provided scientific leadership in a series of meetings with the WHO and UNICEF concerned with different technical aspects of control programs. It has played a significant role in the global program for the elimination of brain damage due to iodine deficiency, in collaboration with the WHO and UNICEF. Political support has come through the UN System—the World Summit for Children. Funding support has been provided by the WHO, UNICEF, the World Bank, and the bilateral aid agencies (AusAID, CIDA, the Netherlands, Sweden and USAID) with the participation of the governments of IDD-affected countries.

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