
New world (NW) camelids, alpaca, llama, vicuña, and guanaco, and old world (OW) camelids, Bactrian and dromedary camels are related and have many of the same anatomical features and disease susceptibilities though they are also very different. Only the free-ranging population of wild Bactrian camel is endangered. Bactrian camels held in zoos are generally of domestic origin. Vicuña are listed as vulnerable. In addition to those camelids held in captivity, there are domesticated populations of camelids (except vicuña and guanaco) maintained throughout the world. Most are fairly hardy animals, but there are some specific disease concerns. Domesticated llamas and alpacas have become hobby pets and thus management and genetic issues are an increasing source of disease. These include obesity, vitamin and mineral deficiencies and intoxications, metabolic derangements, and congenital malformations (particularly in the young). Domesticated animals are also more prone to degenerative arthropathy and dental disease as they age than wild camelids. Ovarian hydrobursitis is an important source of infertility in dromedaries. Important infectious diseases include coccidiosis, bovine viral diarrhea virus, alpaca fever, and meningeal worm of NW camelids, trypanosomiasis and camelpox in OW camels, and foot and mouth disease in Bactrian camels and NW camelids. These and other disease processes are discussed in this chapter.

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