
Burnout constitutes a serious health concern in the modern working environment. It is a stress-related condition that has developed as a result of a prolonged psychosocial stress exposure causing a persistent mismatch between demands and resources. The main symptom is emotional exhaustion, but physical fatigue, diminished professional efficacy, cynicism, and cognitive impairments are also associated with this condition. Burnout has been used both as a psychologic term in occupational settings and as a clinical diagnosis in patient populations, and there is currently no universally accepted definition and diagnostic criteria of burnout. It has been hypothesized that the two main stress response systems, the autonomic nervous system (ANS) and the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA axis), are involved in the pathogenesis of burnout. A common hypothesis is that in the early stages of chronic stress, the HPA axis and sympathetic ANS activity tend to be higher, while it will decrease with a longer duration of chronic stress to ultimately reach a state of hypoactivity in clinical burnout. The current research in this field shows many contradictory results. Thus there is no compelling evidence of either ANS or HPA dysfunction in burnout. However, there is partial support for the hypothesis of HPA and sympathetic hyperactivity in early stages, and HPA hyporeactivity and low vagal activity in more severe burnout cases, but high-quality studies investigating the causal links are still lacking.

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