
Nanomaterials have so far earned huge acceptance due to its promising applications in food packaging industry. Most of the shortcomings of conventional packaging has been succeeded with the introduction of nanotechnology in the packaging sector. Nanotechnological interventions in packaging field with the development of antimicrobial nanocomposites shows promises in protecting food from microbial spoilage and extending food shelf-life for longer duration. Among the various nanomaterials applied in packaging materials, silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) has renowned as the best candidate with immense applications, because of its varied and unique features. Today, silver-based nanomaterials find varied applications in food packaging sector, which include functionalized packagings with antimicrobial and improved physicochemical properties; edible nanocoatings, which can protect and retain food freshness, and moreover, thermal resistant high performance packages. In spite of the increasing exploitation and acceptance of AgNPs in various food contact materials, the possible issues associated with its release into food has to be properly and carefully addressed.

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