
This chapter discusses pressure buildup test. It is the simplest test that can be run on a gas well. If the effects of wellbore storage can be determined, much useful information can be obtained. This information includes permeability, “k”, apparent skin factor, s′, and average reservoir pressure, ¯PR. The test consists of flowing the well at a constant rate, qsc for a period of time, tp, shutting the well in (at Δt = 0), and measuring wellbore pressure increase with shut-in time, Δt. Horner developed the test, and this method of analysis is generally considered the best. Other conventional methods of analysis include the Horner plot, the Miller-Dyes-Hutchinso plot, and the Muskat plot. Horne showed that a plot of the shut-in pressure, pws versus log (tp + Δt)/Δt results in a straight line for an infinite-acting reservoir. In the buildup tests, “t” refers to the drawdown period prior to a buildup and Δt refers to the shut-in or buildup time. Matthews, Brons, and Hazebroek (MBH), extended the application of the Horner plot to finite reservoirs. A buildup test is always preceded by a drawdown, and the buildup data are directly affected by this drawdown. Usually, the drawdown starts from a stabilized reservoir condition represented by the stabilized reservoir pressure.

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