
This chapter discusses some problems in the dimension theory of compacta. All topological spaces considered in this chapter are assumed to be Tychonoff and called simply spaces; maps mean continuous maps of topological spaces. Almost all problems posed in the chapter concern compact spaces. The chapter defines the dimension Δ of a paracompact space X as: ΔX ≤n if there exists a strongly zero-dimensional paracompact space X0 and a surjective closed map f : X0 →X such that |f−1x| ≤n +1 for any x ∈X. It is known that the three basic dimension functions dim, ind, and Ind coincide for compact metrizable spaces, that is, dim X = ind X = Ind X for any compact metrizable space X. In 1936, Alexandroff asked whether they coincide for arbitrary compact spaces. In 1941, he proved that dim X ≤ ind X for any compact space X. Also Ind X ≤ Ind X for any normal space X and Ind X ≤ ΔX for any paracompact space X. The chapter discusses about on the coincidence of dim, ind, Ind, and Δ for compact spaces. It explains noncoincidence of dim and ind for compact spaces as well as noncoincidence of ind and Ind for compact spaces. A detailed discussion on dimensional properties of topological products is also presented.

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