
Publisher Summary This chapter discusses the phase equilibria in ternary and higher order systems with rare earth elements and silicon. The present status of information about phase equilibria and formation of ternary metal silicides with R elements (R = Sc, Y, and the lanthanides) is summarized. Phase equilibria have been investigated for only a small number of the possible ternary combinations R–M–Si, and for a larger number of ternary systems only a few compounds have been identified to date. Rare-earth-metal-silicon ternary phase diagrams are listed in alphabetical order of the chemical symbol of the rare earth element (Ce, Dr, Er,…,Yb). Under each rare earth the systems are listed alphabetically by the chemical symbol of the non-rare-earth element. Phase equilibria in the system Ce–Fe–Si were determined in two partial isothermal sections, at 800°C for the region 0 33 a/o Ce, and at 400°C for the region 33-100 a/o Ce, by means of X-ray and metallographic analysis of 125 alloys. The phase equilibria in the ternary system Ce-Gd-Si have been established by means of X-ray and metallographic analysis of 105 alloys prepared by arc melting and subsequent annealing in evacuated silica capsules for 800 h at 600°C.

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