
AbstractThe Erebus Volcanic Province is the largest Neogene volcanic province in Antarctica, extendingc.450 km north–south and 170 km wide east–west. It is dominated by large central volcanoes, principally Mount Erebus, Mount Bird, Mount Terror, Mount Discovery and Mount Morning, which have sunk more than 2 km into underlying sedimentary strata. Small submarine volcanoes are also common, as islands and seamounts in the Ross Sea (Terror Rift), and there are many mafic scoria cones (Southern Local Suite) in the Royal Society Range foothills and Dry Valleys. The age of the volcanism ranges betweenc.19 Ma and present but most of the volcanism is <5 Ma. It includes active volcanism at Mount Erebus, with its permanent phonolite lava lake. The volcanism is basanite–phonolite/trachyte in composition and there are several alkaline petrological lineages. Many of the volcanoes are pristine, predominantly formed of subaerially erupted products. Conversely, two volcanoes have been deeply eroded. That at Minna Hook is mainly glaciovolcanic, with a record of the ambient mid–late Miocene eruptive environmental conditions. By contrast, Mason Spur is largely composed of pyroclastic density current deposits, which accumulated in a large mid-Miocene caldera that is now partly exhumed.

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