
War-stopping and peacemaking efforts on both fronts were successful during the Emergency years and complemented each other. War-stopping efforts in the conflict included the strategic, operational, and tactical victories that deprived the Communists, led by Chin Peng, of medicine, equipment, and recruits, resulted in killed or captured Communist troops; and eventually convinced the Communists that the struggle was unwinnable and that their only option was surrender. In short, total military victory. Peacemaking efforts contributed to military victory but centered on addressing the historic grievances of the Chinese residents of Malaya, improving their lot economically, and empowering them politically. The Malayan Communist Party (MCP) strategy was crafted after Mao's writings and envisioned three phases to the insurgency such as labor intimidation through strikes against rubber estates and tin mines would be combined with terror strikes at isolated police stations and villages in order to cripple the economy. Keywords: Malayan Communist Party (MCP); peacemaking efforts; War-stopping efforts

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