
The fundamental concepts on which the theory of chemistry is based are fields in space and time. It is proposed that the large-scale cosmic structure into which all objects in the universe are embedded can be called world space, without specifying its substance, geometry, topology, or dimensionality. It is the entity equated by the flatearther with infinite three-dimensional euclidean space, it is the Minkowski space-time of special relativity, five-dimensional space-time of the Kaluza- Klein unified field, the primordial void of big-bang cosmology; the twenty six dimensions of superstring theory, the vacuum of chemistry, or the chaos of creation science. It is the stage on which the cosmic drama unfolds. The primary substance that pervades world space is a matter of conjecture. Some call it space and others call it aether, or vacuum. This chapter also explains that it is proposed to use the terms world space and aether synonymously and to reserve space and vacuum for empty three-dimensional space. Curvature of world space refers to any of its unknown number of dimensions. It is recommended that any discussion of cosmic phenomena should commence with a clear statement of the assumed model of world space.

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