
There are numerous instances where criminals and terrorists have planned or actually used biological threat agents and toxins. The National Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasures Center (NBACC) was created to prepare for and respond to those who would plan for or actually use a biological agent or toxin to cause harm to the population or economic loss to livestock and crops and other forms of agriculture. The NBACC, through the National Biological Threat Characterization Center and the National Bioforensic Analysis Center (NBFAC), utilizes advanced analytical methods to provide the nation with the scientific basis for the characterization of biological threats and bioforensic analysis to support attribution of their use against the American public. At its inception in 2003 the NBACC was a federally operated program within the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The NBACC was established as a federally funded research and development center and the DHS’s first national laboratory. Since its inception the NBFAC continues to have a significant impact in protecting the nation from biocrime and bioterrorism. As part of its long-term goals for the future, the NBFAC will establish the ability to (i) detect any biothreat agent in a sample, (ii) identify and characterize any biothreat agent, and (iii) identify how a biothreat agent was produced. Through its continuously available dedicated laboratories and staff and ongoing capability expansion to meet new, emerging, and potential unknown biological threats, the NBFAC stands ready now and in the future to rapidly support attribution investigations to successful closure.

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