
ARM architecture is currently one of the most commonly used CPU architectures, especially in mobile devices such as in mobile phones, tablets, and games consoles. ARM has been designing 32-bit processors for over 20 years and in the last few years they have also started to offer 64-bit designs. In actual fact ARM is a company specialized in designing the processor architecture and they do not manufacture or sell processor chips. ARM makes money by licensing their designs to chip manufacturers. The manufacturers use the core ARM processors (e.g., the core CPU) and integrate with their own peripherals to end up in a complete microcontroller chip. ARM is then given royalty fees for each chip manufactured by the third-party companies. Companies that use ARM core processors include Apple, Atmel, Broadcom, Cypress Semiconductors, Freescale Semiconductors, Analog Devices, Nvidia, NXP, Samsung Electronics, Texas Instruments, Qualcomm, Renesas, and many others. This chapter describes the basic architecture of the Cortex ARM processors and gives an example of microcontroller hardware development platforms that use the ARM architecture.

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