
This chapter discusses the laws of quantum mechanics to derive explicit expressions for nonlinear optical susceptibility. There are three primary reasons for obtaining these expressions. Firstly, these expressions display the functional form of nonlinear optical susceptibility and hence show how the susceptibility depends on material parameters, such as dipole transition moments and atomic energy levels. Secondly, these expressions display the internal symmetries of the susceptibility. Finally, these expressions can be used to obtain the predictions of the numerical values of the nonlinear susceptibilities. These numerical predictions are particularly reliable for the case of atomic vapors, because the atomic parameters (such as atomic energy levels and dipole transition moments) that appear in the quantum-mechanical expressions are often known with high accuracy. In addition, as the energy levels of free atoms are very sharp, as opposed to the case of most solids where allowed energies have the form of broad bands, it is possible to obtain very large values of the nonlinear susceptibility through the technique of resonance enhancement.

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