
Publisher Summary This chapter focuses on the biology of the native zhikong scallop, and the current practices of the scallop aquaculture industry in China. Scallops are among the most valuable marine resources in China. Scallops support a major aquaculture industry that is important to economies of China's coastal regions. The biology of the native zhikong scallop, and the current status and practices of the scallop aquaculture industry in China are focused. Several non-native species are introduced for aquaculture production, including the bay scallop from North America, the Japanese scallop from Japan, and the great scallop from Europe. The bay and Japanese scallops are cultured commercially in China. The great scallop is being tested for aquaculture in the Dalian area. The two valves of zhikong scallop are nearly equal. Growth rate of Zhikong scallops is strongly influenced by water temperature. The zhikong scallop tolerates a wide range of water temperatures, extreme temperatures greatly reduce growth. Growth of cultured scallops depends on culture density. Natural predators of zhikong scallop include fish, echinoderms, crabs, and snails, which primarily feeds on young scallops that are less than 10 mm.

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