
Abstract World Wide Web search engines have become the most heavily-used online services, with millions of searches performed each day. Their popularity is due, in part, to their ease of use. It is important to note that while the Semantic Web is dissimilar in many ways from the World Wide Web, the Semantic Web provides a common framework that allows data to be shared and reused across application, enterprise, and community boundaries through the World Wide Web. In this paper, we would like to go beyond the traditional semantic web which has been defined mostly as a mesh or distributed databases within the World Wide Web. For this reason, our view is that “Before one can use the power of semantic web, the relevant information has to be mined through the search mechanism and logical reasoning”. The central tasks for the most of the search engines can be summarized as (1) query or user information request — do what I mean and not what I say!, (2) model for the Internet, Web representation — web page collection, documents, text, images, music, etc., and (3) ranking or matching function — degree of relevance, recall, precision, similarity, etc. Design of any new intelligent search engine should be at least based on two main motivations: (1) the web environment is, for the most part, unstructured and imprecise. To deal with information in the web environment what is needed is a logic that supports modes of reasoning which are approximate rather than exact. While searches may retrieve thousands of hits, finding decision-relevant and query-relevant information in an imprecise environment is a challenging problem, which has to be addressed and (2) another, and less obvious, is deduction in an unstructured and imprecise environment given the huge stream of complex information. In this paper, we will first present the state of the search engines and Internet. Then we will focus on development of a framework for reasoning and deduction in the web. A web-based model to decision model for analysis of structured database will be presented. A framework to incorporate the information from web sites into the search engine will be presented as a model that will go beyond current semantic web idea. Another important and unique component of our system is compactification algorithm or Z-Compact. Z-Compact algorithm developed by L.A. Zadeh and it has been implemented for the first time as part of BISC-DSS for automatons multi-agents modeling as part of ONR project and has been extended to handle linguistic variables with deduction capability and currently is part of the BISC-DSS software and its has been applied in several applications.

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