
Critical infrastructures are the backbone of a country's economy. Several economic activities of a country are dependent on critical infrastructure and at the same time critical infrastructure development leads to economic activity. To generate economic activities, countries continue to invest in critical infrastructure development. These infrastructures also face the mire challenges posed by natural hazards and risks from cyber espionage. Risk arising from such threats may lead to direct damage to these infrastructures which further leads to disruption of services offered by these infrastructures. This paper is an outcome of the research carried out under the Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure Fellowship that aims to assess the risk of critical infrastructure in the Eastern Economic Corridor (EEC) of Thailand. The research paper provides a summary, and analysis of the literature review on the key concepts of critical infrastructure, risk assessment, and resilience approaches for critical infrastructure. Further, these concepts are cross-analyzed for various critical infrastructures of the EEC. Lastly, the findings bring some of the important takeaways for the policy measures to strengthen risk management of critical infrastructure in Thailand.

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