
Physics knowledge in plasma confinement and transport relevant to design ofa reactor-scale tokamak is reviewed and methodologies for projecting confinementproperties to ITER are provided. Theoretical approaches to describing a turbulentplasma transport in a tokamak are outlined and phenomenology of major energyconfinement regimes observed in tokamaks, including those with edge and internaltransport barriers, is described. The chapter is focused on the energy confinement inthe high confinement regime (H-mode) with the edge localized MHD modes, the basicoperational regime of ITER. Three approaches are being pursued: (i) derivation ofempirical global scaling laws; (ii) non-dimensionally similar studies; and (iii) onedimensional transport modelling codes, with the first approach recommended as the mostrobust at the present time. Special attention is paid to analysis of uncertainties inconfinement predictions. Empirical scaling relations for projecting the L-mode toH-mode power threshold based on regression analysis of an extensive database arediscussed. Particle and toroidal momentum confinement and their relation to energyconfinement are reviewed.

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