
The fundamental quantum operations of single-photon addition and subtraction are promising tools for completely engineering quantum light states and testing the principles of quantum physics. The additional capability of combining such basic operations in sequences and arbitrary superpositions has further extended the range of possible light state manipulations. Quantum information protocols like quantum teleportation, quantum cloning, and quantum cryptography, mainly devised for spin-1/2 systems (especially polarization-entangled photons) can also be efficiently realized in the continuous-variable (CV) regime. This chapter discusses single-photon operators for manipulating quantum information and the unified treatment of experimental single-photon addition and subtraction implementations. Single-photon addition is a very attractive tool for generating quantum states with different degrees of nonclassicality and explore the boundary between classical and quantum behavior. It may also be used to put to a stringent test different experimental criterion to measure the nonclassical character of a state. Single-photon subtraction is described, followed by a look at sequences and superpositions of single-photon operators. Recent experimental demonstrations have opened new exciting perspectives in the accurate generation and manipulation of photonic states and will certainly provide an important basis toward the application of quantum physics to future technologies.

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