
Kefir is a fermented cow milk beverage produced by yeasts’ metabolic activity, lactic acid bacteria, and acetic acid bacteria present in a symbiotic association in kefir grains. The kefir’s artisanal production is based on the Caucasus people’s tradition, which has spread to other parts of the world from the late 19th century. Nowadays, it integrates its nutritional and therapeutic indications to the everyday food choices of several populations. Several studies described the identification and quantification of milk kefir’s microbial composition, providing crucial information about the microbial consortia in this complex ecosystem. Many microorganisms present in kefir and their microbial interactions, the possible bioactive compounds resulting from microbial metabolism and the benefits associated with this beverage, gives kefir the status of a natural probiotic designated as the 21st-century dairy beverage. Several studies showed that kefir and its constituents have antimicrobial, antitumor, anticarcinogenic, immunomodulatory activity and improved lactose digestion. Considering living organisms, the proper administration of probiotics tends to promote the benefits for humans. The balance of the gut microbiota by gut-brain axis, contributes to the increase of immunity, combats allergies, detoxification of the organism, regulates the organism to better absorb nutrients and vitamins, among other benefits. This chapter includes data on the innovations aspects of the main beneficial effects on kefir’s human health and in the preservation/improving its functional properties.

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