
This chapter studies the genus Kurtzmanomyces. In the determination of the asexual reproduction it is seen that cells are globose to ovoid and small and rarely exceed 9 μm in length. Reproduction is by budding and by production of blastoconidia at the end of a stalk-like conidiophore. The stalked blastoconidia are freed without forceful ejection at the distal end of the stalklike conidiophore. Each conidiophore can produce sequential multiple blastoconidia, thus becoming branched or elongated. Ballistoconidia can be formed in some species. Cultures are light orange in color. In sexual reproduction it is found that although the sexual state of the three species in Kurtzmanomyces is not known, a fourth (and sexual) species, Mycogloea nipponica, is closely related to Kurtzmanomyces and produces a Kurtzmanomyces-like anamorph. In nature, M. nipponica produces minute, light orange basidiocarps. The chapter also discusses physiology/biochemistry and phylogenetic placement of the genus. The type species taken is Kurtzmanomyces nectairei. Relevant physiological tests for the discrimination of species in the genus Kurtzmanomyces are presented. In the systematic discussion of the species, growth on 5% malt extract agar, Dalmau plate culture on corn meal agar, gene sequence accession number, type strain, systematics, ecology, and origin of the strain studied are determined.

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