
This chapter discusses the cell biology and development of vasopressinergic and oxytocinergic neurons. The most effective neuronal model systems for the study of the cell biology of neuropeptide precursor processing are the magnocellular neurons in the hypothalamo–neurohypophysial system (HNS). The genes that encode the oxytocin (OT) and vasopressin (AVP) peptides and their associated neurophysin carrier proteins are essentially identical in structure. The chapter discusses the biological value of a localization of peptide precursor processing. Instead of having separate concentrating and packaging mechanisms for each peptide in a precursor, only one mechanism for the precursor would be necessary. The low permeability of the vesicle membrane to H + allows the ATPase in the membrane to generate a pH gradient and an acidic intravesicular environment, which is necessary for the proteolytic processing enzymes. The post-translational modifications of the two peptides are being differentially regulated during development.

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