
The medullary raphé nuclei participate in the regulation of breathing and airway defensive reflexes. Our focus was to analyze the effects of codeine and kainic acid within the medullary raphé on coughing, sneezing, solitary expulsions, and concomitant breathing changes using models of anesthetized cats (n=12) and rabbits (n=15) and microinjection techniques. Our findings are consistent with (1) involvement of neurons within the medullary raphé in the generation of the cough motor pattern by a codeine-sensitive and -insensitive mechanisms, (2) a contribution of raphé nuclei to the control of expiratory efforts, (3) limited contribution of the medullary raphé to the cough-gating mechanism, (4) minor contribution of respiration/coughing neuronal network, including the portion within raphé nuclei and the respiratory/cough central pattern generator, to the production of the sneeze reflex motor pattern.

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