
The cloud model offers hypothetically unlimited computing and storage resources. Cloud storage service is the best storage option compared to conventional storage options. However, the cloud storage model poses data security and integrity threats. Data is exposed to serious security threats while outsourcing to a cloud service provider (CSP). When a user outsources important sensitive data to a CSP, the data integrity verification is an obvious needed task. Furthermore, the data auditing scheme should be computationally efficient to perform the data auditing even with an android device. In this chapter, we propose a computationally efficient auditing scheme Certificate-Less Integrity Verification for Shared data (CL-IVS). CL-IVS does not have a key escrow problem as the user’s private key is made up of two parts with a partial key generated by the key generation center (KGC) and the secret value chosen by the data owner. Subsequently, in CL-IVS we have introduced a new tag generation method by which we can reduce the number of tags generated for the blocks thereby reducing computational overhead. Hence, the proposed data auditing scheme CL-IVS reduces the computation, communication, and storage cost without compromising on providing efficient data integrity checking. Extensive security and performance analysis show that the proposed scheme is secure in the random oracle model and proves the efficiency by implementation results.

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