
This chapter discusses two applications that falls into the asynchronous problem class. It presents Steve Otto and Ed Felten who were the leaders of the chess project and did the majority of the work. Eric Umland began the project and would have been a major contributor but for his untimely death. Rod Morison wrote the opening book code and also developed the parallel graphics software. Summer students, Ken Barish and Rob Fatland, contributed chess expertise and various peripheral programs. This class is caricatured and is the last and hardest to parallelize of the basic problem architectures introduced. Thus, this opportunity is used to summarize some issues across all problem classes. The chapter also discusses the compound metaproblem class. The division between synchronous and loosely synchronous is not sharp and is still a matter of important debate. The synchronous problems are naturally suitable for SIMD architectures, while properly loosely synchronous and asynchronous problems require MIMD hardware.

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