
Abstract In the last two decades multiproxy studies involving process-based sedimentology, geochronology of interbedded tuff units from different stratigraphic levels, sediment geochemistry including stable isotope signatures and documentation of structural grains within selective stratigraphic intervals from the Chhattisgarh Basin, central India have resulted in a perception change on various aspects of the basin fill including its time frame, stratigraphic framework and depositional architecture in the space–time domain. In addition to establishing a Mesoproterozoic ( c. 1450–1000 Ma) time frame for the basin on a strong foothold, these studies also proposed revision of its stratigraphy by introducing new stratigraphic units at ‘formation’ and ‘group’ level. From collation of available data, their critical evaluation and presentation of new data, the present work proposes a four-tier lithostratigraphy for the Chhattisgarh Supergroup, namely, Singhora Group, Chadarpur Group, Raipur Group and Kharsiya Group. Further, application of sequence stratigraphic rationale allowed the basin succession to be subdivided into four and three nonconformity/unconformity-bound depositional sequences in its eastern and western parts, respectively. The present chapter also highlights the potential of the basin for carrying out studies related to Mesoproterozoic ocean oxygenation and outlines the necessity of well-planned geophysical transects to resolve issues related to tectonic setup of the basin.

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