
ABSTRACT This chapter discusses a report on the results of the introduction of novel teaching strategies to an otherwise rigid and nonconstructivist approach to teaching. The novel teaching strategies are aimed to foster creativity as well as independent thought in both teaching and learning among elementary school students and their teachers. As part of a larger team, the authors taught English at a summer camp in China using methods based initially on the reader's and writer's workshop approach in the United States, which, in itself, is assumed to spur the development of creative minds. Obstacles and difficulties discussed include initial resistance, tremendous need for structure on the part of the students, and lack of exposure to using independent thought. Attention is also paid to successes. Data arose from the authors' periodic reflections throughout the camp as well as on samples of student work. Student work was analyzed for skill of English use, as well as for independent and creative content. Assessment tools included a set of rubrics developed by the researchers to determine level of English proficiency and degree of creativity and independent thought contained in each assignment. Researchers initially coded assignments together to ensure interrater reliability, then coded separately; once complete, researchers met to discuss and compare coding of the data. This field-based research study could serve as a valuable beginning for further research comparing a more constructivist approach, including learning environments where students are creatively at work and teachers facilitate an environment conducive to learning through discovery, with more traditional, structured approaches, where teacher and students follow preestablished patterns for teaching and learning, which may stifle creativity and curiosity in learning.

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