
Causes and factors of the national labor market long-term turbulent and crisis state, content of theoretical and conceptual foundations of state employment policy and means of its modernization have been analyzed. The author’s vision of of the national labor market public management policy transformation with the aim of increasing its role in social and economic recovery of Ukraine in war and post-war periods has been formulated. It has been proven that the Government, local self-government bodies, and the public of Ukraine consider the problem of employment too simplistically - mainly in the context of the dynamics of unemployment, the ratio between the registered number of unemployed and vacant jobs, and the costs associated with the payment of unemployment benefits. In fact, for many years the state policy on the labor market has been shifting the emphasis from identifying and solving deep causes of crisis phenomena to attempts to overcome their external manifestations. It is proposed to modernize theoretical foundations and practical methods of state employment policy implementation, strengthen its coordination with, monetary, tax and investment policy, income policy, improve private-state partnership and, first of all, social dialogue. It has been proven that during the war period it is necessary to ensure coordination of state authorities, business and labour unions actions to direct public policy in the field of employment in order to increase motivation of employees and entrepreneurs to work honestly in the legal sector of the economy and promote development of industrial democracy and social justice. Developed proposals can be used by state authorities and local self-government bodies, employers’ organizations and labour unions, civil society institutions in the war and post-war periods. The following research methods have been applied: system analysis, scientific generalization and comparison, content analysis, induction and deduction, economic and statistical analysis.

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