
This chapter discusses the genus Cystofilobasidium. It provides a systematic discussion of the species and concludes with comments on the genus. The diagnosis of the genus is done on the basis of asexual, sexual, physiology and biochemistry, and phylogenetic placement. In asexual reproduction yeast cells are ovoid or ellipsoid. Asexual reproduction is predominantly by polar budding. Poorly developed pseudohyphae may be present in some species. Ballistoconidia are absent. The cultures have an orange to pinkish color that darkens upon aging, but nonpigmented variants are known in some species. Pigmentation is due to the presence of carotenoid pigments. In sexual reproduction species may be self-sterile (heterothallic) or self-fertile (homothallic). The self-sterile compatibility systems are tetrapolar or bipolar. Depending on the species, clamp connections are present or absent. The septal pore is a dolipore without parenthesomes. Teliospores are formed, which are spherical and dark pigmented, and upon germination form slender, tubular or short, nonseptate basidia with terminal and sessile basidiospores that germinate by budding.

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