
This chapter discusses nanofabrication and its application to nanodevices using EB. Electron beam lithography with a commercially available machine using an organic resist has already achieved 10-nm features, which is the same size as a virus. Features 10 to 1 nm in size can also be fabricated by using inorganic resists. This indicates that even a minimum pitch of 3.4 nm of DNA can be delineated. Furthermore, a new atomic structure on a Si surface can be created by atomic manipulation with STM. Electron-beam-induced surface reaction is a very interesting and promising three-dimensional process, and much progress is expected in the nanoscale regime. As a new approach, material wave nanotechnology using electron and atomic beam holography has been developed. This technique allows nano- and atomic scale structures to be produced simultaneously. As applications to nanodevices of EB lithography, a 40-nm-gatelength NMOS, a 14-nm-gate-length EJ-MOSFET, and a high-temperature-operation SET have been demonstrated by EB nanolithography using an organic resist. The low cost and high throughput are very important for commercialization of electronic, optoelectronic, and magnetic nanodevices. Nanoimprinting lithography, which is expected to achieve both cost and throughput efficiencies, has been developed to fabricate practical nanodevices.

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