
Publisher Summary Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI) has for decades been a key provider of software solutions for analysis, management, and visualization of spatial data. ESRI products are especially powerful in providing support for large digital elevation model (DEM) databases and include a wide variety of land-surface parameter functions. Other software that is closely linked with the ESRI products and can provide similar commands is for example the Terraflow4 approach. This chapter covers graphical user interface (GUI) and command line options for geomorphometric analysis in ESRI products. The user has a choice of high- and low-level programming languages to interact with these products in order to create new datasets and models. The learning curve can be quite steep, unless the user has prior programming experience. A strong user community is available to provide support for people working on these commercial systems. Several external applications can be used in conjunction with ESRI products, therefore providing a seamless workflow for geomorphometric analysis in different model systems.

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