
This chapter will discuss the synthetic thinking required to overcome the missing links in the design process called creative design thinking. First, the competencies required for synthetic thinking will be discussed. The three competencies are as follows: (1) the competency for determining the boundaries of systems (machine, thinking space, etc.) internally or externally; (2) the competency for abstraction; and (3) the competency for going back and forth in time. Each of these will be explained. Thereafter, methods for acquiring and transferring the competencies required for creative design thinking will be discussed. “Tacit knowledge” proposed by Michael Polanyi will first be introduced. The chapter then explains how in order to acquire and transfer the competencies required for creative design thinking, “one should actively trace the footsteps of someone who possesses these competencies, or interiorize the competencies through actively sharing experiences with such a person.” In addition, history base will be introduced as a method for actively tracing the footsteps of people capable of outstanding creative design thinking while understanding the intentions of their design activities. The method discussed here for tracing those footsteps while understanding the intention of design activities involves first explaining (describing) using links to related activities, and then describing the basis (as motives) of the explanation (links).

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