
Tridiagonal linear systems are of importance to many problems in numerical analysis and computational fluid dynamics, as well as to computer graphics applications in video games and computer-animated films. Typical applications require solving hundreds or thousands of tridiagonal systems, which takes a majority part of total computation time. Fast parallel solutions are critical to larger scientific simulations, interactive computations of special effects in films, and real-time applications in video games. This chapter describes the performance of multiple tridiagonal algorithms on a graphics processing units (GPU). It provides design that is a novel hybrid algorithm which combines a work-efficient algorithm with a step efficient algorithm in a way well-suited for a GPU architecture. Hybrid solver achieves 8× and 2× speed-up, respectively, in single precision and double precision over a multithreaded highly-optimized CPU solver, and a 2×–2.3× speedup over a basic GPU solver. In the future this can be used to handle non–power-of-two system sizes; effectively support a system size larger than 1024 and design solutions that can partially take advantage of shared memory even though the entire system cannot fit into shared memory.

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