
Abstract Species and subspecies delineations were traditionally defined by morphological and behavioral traits, as well as by plumage characteristics. Molecular genetic data have more recently been used to assess these classifications and, in many cases, to redefine them. The recent practice of utilizing molecular genetic data to examine taxonomic questions has led some to suggest that molecular genetic methods are more appropriate than traditional methods for addressing taxonomic uncertainty and management units. We compared the North American Tetraoninae—which have been defined using plumage, morphology, and behavior—and considered the effects of redefinition using only neutral molecular genetic data (mitochondrial control region and cytochrome oxidase subunit 1). Using the criterion of reciprocal monophyly, we failed to recognize the five species whose mating system is highly polygynous, with males displaying on leks. In lek-breeding species, sexual selection can act to influence morphological and beha...

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