
This chapter addresses climate engineering (also called geoengineering) and refers to the direct modification of the climate by humans. The chapter divides climate engineering into two categories – solar radiation management (SRM) and carbon dioxide removal (CDR). SRM involves reflecting solar radiation back into space by a variety of schemes that include: deploying a fleet of satellites, aerosol injection into the stratosphere, and increasing the albedo of marine clouds or of continental plants. In the case of CDR, schemes include: ocean fertilization, direct air capture of carbon dioxide, carbon capture and storage (CCS). When biomass energy is used in conjuction with CCS it is referred to as BECCS and in principle can result in net-zero emissions. Other schemes include afforestation/reforestation but require large land areas. Enhanced land based weathering has been proposed to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Most scientists regard these techniques and schemes as too risky or impractical.

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