
The groundwater assets with immoderate withdrawal are because of the increasing population and traits of industrialization that have brought about coastal zone aquifers that generally tend to seawater intrusion throughout the worldwide event. The monetary and socio-cultural trends withinside the coastal regions also exhibit seawater intrusion. Subsequently, the coastal ranges got to concentrate wide administration of research in coastal aquifers. The objective of the present study is to reveal the factors that control the seawater interruption into the coastal aquifers and the vital measures to improvise and administration strategies in coastal aquifers. Seawater interruption wonders have been detailed, with a distinctive degree, in nearly all coastal aquifers around the world. The issue is more extreme in arid and semiarid regions where the groundwater makes up the most freshwater asset. Groundwater advancement has brought down water levels and caused the saltwater barge into numerous of the foremost productive coastal aquifers. The arrangement comes about illustrating the achievability of the created optimization models conjointly with the clashing nature of the different goals of the coastal aquifer administration. Meeting the requirement of fresh groundwater supply to bolster coastal populaces and financial thriving could be an incredible challenge for hydrologists, water assets engineers, and choice producers.

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