
Two decades ago, I still remember the first time I learned management principles ranging from the classical theories, passing by the systemic approach and the behavioral theories. I always recall the basics of the procedural decision and the games theory. I will never forget my introduction to the innovation management. All this. Knowledge was disseminated by my model professor, Dr Abdenbi Louitri. He is the actual illustration of triptych: “Management”, “Innovation” and “Social”. This chapter is a continuum of the knowledge disseminated by Pr. Louitri. It tries to bridge the old innovation paradigm to the recent and to explore theoretically the connections between open innovation and social. To do this, we conducted a bibliometric study based on citation analysis from documents and the term co-occurrence map on text data from abstracts and keywords of 282 articles from the Web of Science (WOS) and published since 2003. These analyses will permit identifying the structure binding works and themes researched. The results of this chapter could make contribute to understanding the connection between open innovation and social context, and also enrich the new paradigm of open social innovation.

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